Outdoors, these lenses darken in seconds and indoors they return to clear. Transitions block 100% of UV rays and filters out harmful blue light both indoors and outdoors. At The Quantum Optical we offer all of he newest Transitions lens options. Including Transitions XTRActive polarized and Transitions Mirrors!
When should you wear polarized sunglasses? Polarized lenses are a great option for anyone who spends time outdoors. If you're working outdoors, especially when doing high-glare activities around water or snow, polarized lenses help reduce glare and provide additional clarity while keeping your eyes protected.
Blue light glasses work by protecting your eyes from high-energy blue wavelengths to reduce the potential for eye damage from prolonged exposure. The purpose of blue light glasses is to reduce eye strain and improve sleep quality. Whether you are on the computer, gaming or on your cell phone blue light filtering glasses are the way to go!
Single vision lenses are a type of glasses lens that correct vision for a single distance. That means, in general, that they work for people that are nearsighted or farsighted, but not for those who are both. These eyeglasses have a single optical prescription for distance or near vision correction.
Progressive lenses, sometimes called “no-line bifocals,” provide a more youthful appearance by eliminating the visible lines found in a bifocal lens. They provide the ability to see at all distances in one seamless lens. This includes driving at a distance, arm’s length for computer use, and up close for reading.
Bifocal eyeglass lenses contain two lens powers to help you see objects that are both nearby and faraway with one pair of glasses! This makes them a great option if you need vision correction for both distance and near. There is a clear distinction between the near vision and far away zone due to the bifocal line in the glasses.